Saturday, June 11, 2016

Sketching a Bengal Tiger!!!

Hi All,

It's been so long since I drew, So I wanted to draw something new and which I've never tried so far. On, March 17th 2016, I started looking for some images in Google and I suddenly saw this Tiger (the one below). I don't know who took this pic, but this pic made my mind to sketch this...Credits to the one who took this pic :).

Firstly, I started with its left eye and then completed both the ears. Below is the pic of it.

After this sketch, I thought why I took this to sketch as it was really hard to differentiate the features of tiger using pencil shades. Thought of scrapping it but, convinced myself to finish it as I've started. I fixed my mind in such a way that I'm least bothered about the outcome of my sketch but was trying to give my best as it is my favorite animal :P. I continued to sketch and had completed the Tiger's face on that day.

I was happy about the outcome of my sketch. And I was wondering how did I sketch this majestic animal. Below are the pics which I drew on that day.

My confidence grew after this :)

Well, this is the outcome of my sketch :)...I was feeling really happy and this sketch increased my confidence and wanted to finish the rest. But, I was still a bit afraid to sketch the remaining as it may ruin my sketch (And that's why took pics of it in regular intervals :P).

The Next day, I started to sketch the remaining. After completing it, I felt why did I continue it :( . The outcome was not that good than I expected and I was feeling a bit sad. But, I consoled myself saying this is my first sketch of Tiger and I can improve myself by practicing more. Below are the pics of my completed sketch


At this point of time, I was not that satisfied with the one I sketched but I had a good experience sketching it. I learned a lot from the sketch like the shading techniques and detailing. Overall, I was satisfied with the way I sketched :).

But I was really surprised by the way the photo came after taking a snap using some filter. Below is the picture which was taken using a filter.

Hope you like my sketch and my post :P


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